Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Socialism of the 21st century

Today, in the United States we are having an economic crisis. A crisis that isn’t only affecting the American people, but also the rest of the world. Today the presidential candidates in the U.S are accusing each other of be socialist because a socialist is someone against the capitalistic government model. What is the meaning of the phrase? Many people connect socialism to Hitler, Cuba, or Russia during the Cold War. At the moment today, we have the oldest socialism of the world in Cuba. But Cuba practices the same socialism as Russia during the Cold War, a different style from any other country today. In Latin-American we have a huge example of 21st century socialism. Since president Bush took office in the U.S., the majority of the countries and Europe are now socialist. The meaning of socialist in the 21st century is something different than it used to be. There are two types of socialism in Latin-American: one is radical (left-wing) and the other is moderate (left-center wing). In radical we have Evo Morales from Bolivia, and Hugo Chavez, the infamous socialist dictator of Venezuela. For moderate there is Lula from Brazil, and Bachelet from Chile.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0koKZ5T3I6Y

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